Daisy is a 54 lb, 2 year old pit mix who was found abandoned, tied behind a 7-11 in Columbia SC with no food or water. She was thin, covered in fleas, had worms, and was possibly loosing an unsustainable pregnancy. She is now at Misfit Farm Sanctuary (since May 2023) until she finds her foster and/or forever home. She has been wormed, is HW neg, now on monthly medication for heartworm, worms, fleas and ticks. She has been spayed and microchipped, up to date on vaccines and vet care. She is energetic, playful, very sweet, learning commands, and basic manners. Loves to chase a ball! Rides well in the car too. She is housebroken, crate trained. She will pull on flat collar but does very well in a gentle leader. Loves to pull out the laundry, or be in the middle of whatever you are doing. She likes to sit on you while chewing on her toys. She can be gently mouthy, but easily distracted by toys and food! Did I mention she’s adorable, does great zoomies, loves belly rubs, snuggling, and gives great kisses? She was evaluated and may make a great scent/nose work dog for sport or work. She is looking for her forever with an active person who enjoys training, hiking, and throwing balls! She lives in a home with several other dogs, some cats, and chickens in the yard. She can live with dog savvy cats, but needs supervision (the mouthy thing). She likes other dogs, but is sometimes overzealous in her play which my dogs are not fond of. If you’re interested please inquire!
Adoption Fee: $300
Additional Details
Gender - Female- spayed
Age - 1.5 Year Old
Size - Medium (approx. 54 lbs)
Location - Misfit Farm Sanctuary, Springfield, SC